To meet the huge demand for entry level Accountants in India, ICAI has launched a Certificate in Accounting Technicians (CAT) Course of one year for 12th (10+2) passed and Under Graduates. This Course has been introduced in consultation with Ministry of Corporates Affairs, Government of India. CAT equip students become well versed with the maintenance of accounts, preparation of Income Tax Return, Service Tax Return, Filling of Return under Companies Act, Filling of Returns under Income Tax, VAT, Service Tax, Central Excise Custom Act, Export & Import documentation etc .
The Students who have passed/appearing 12th (10+2) examination are eligible to take admission in Foundation (Entry Level) Part-I of CAT Course.
Institute has Coaching Centers all over India. The Students desirous of pursuing the course have to get admitted in their nearest Regional Council or Chapter or Recognized Coaching Centers (ROCCs) for undergoing Oral Coaching.NiceTec Computer Education Pvt. Ltd. is a authorized Training Center in Chhattisgarh.
Foundation Course (Entry Level) Part-I
Paper 1: Fundamentals of Financial Accounting.
Paper 2: Applied Business and Industrial Laws
Paper 3: Financial Accounting-2
Paper 4: Statutory Compliance
Competency Level – Part-II
(A) Fundamentals of Computers
(B) Filling of Statutory Returns
(C) Introduction to Costing Principles and Preparation of Cost Statements
(D) 5-days Orientation Programme
The Internship will be for 3 months. The Internship can be taken from organizations prescribed under Internship scheme of CAT Course.
Mode of Examination
Multiple choice question to be answered on-line.
The course is offered in English & Hindi medium. Study materials are also available in English & Hindi.